MouseLog-16B are 16V channel loggers that can be operated in either ‘Spike’ or ‘LFP’ mode. In ‘Spike’ mode it logs all 16 channels and digitizes each input at 31.25 kHz. In ‘LFP’ mode it operates at a lower power and logs any 8 of the 16 inputs with a 4kHz sampling rate. It weighs 1.9g (without battery) and with a 1.5g battery has a 2 hour recording time in ‘Spike’ mode and an 8 hour recording time in ‘LFP’ mode. It is also available in the vertical orientation (MouseLog-16V).
Neural recording
- 16 channels each sampled at 31250 Hz
- 10mV p-p signal range
- 3.3µV rms with 7kHz bandwidth
- 7 options for reference signal
Multiple configurations
- Horizontal orientation
- Vertical orientation
Multiple battery options
- Plug-in or wired battery
- Select battery size according to required recording time
Small size and weight
- 1.9 grams (16B) or 2.25g (16V) including memory card
- 1.5g plug-in battery for 2 hours of recording
- Single horizontal or vertical board 17x24mm
Battery Options
MouseLog16B is intended for very small animals used in electrophysiology experiments. Although it is usually best to keep both the logger and the battery on the animal’s head, for the very smallest animals, the battery might be too heavy for the animal to carry on its head. In such cases, it is possible to connect the battery to the logger via a flexible wire and mount the battery on the animal’s back. In all other cases, the use of a plug-in battery is recommended.
Side view of 60mAh plug in battery assembly
The plug-in battery assembly comprises a light circuit board and a small lithium-polymer battery. This is plugged in above the memory card. One must unplug the battery in order to remove the memory card. The actual battery used in the clip-on assembly can be selected so that its weight is the best compromise between being lightweight and having a long recording duration. Using a plug-in battery eliminates the weight of wires and connectors that would otherwise be needed. It also ensures that the battery does not press down on the memory card. One must unplug the battery module in order to remove the memory card from the logger.